A Home for the Holidays

Every holiday season, La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary descends on YMCA’s Oz San Diego residential center to decorate and donate gifts. (This year, one of our generous members, Kevin Carlson, donated an air hockey and pong table.)
YMCA Oz San Diego serves youth ages 12-17, providing a temporary, homelike residence for teenagers experiencing personal, interpersonal, school or family difficulties for up to 21 days. Residents participate in activities designed to help them learn basic living skills, take responsibility for their own behavior, and interact more effectively with family member. with counseling, enrichment and recreational activities. The program is based on positive youth development, focusing on youth strengths and the development of coping, communication, and life skills.
Oz San Diego
Thank you to club members Jim and Pam Davies and their hard working crew for another great day at Oz San Diego.